Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, OH offers career options for everyone! We are an easy commute within the Greater Cincinnati and Dayton areas and offer flexibility throughout our many departments.

Perhaps your Great Wolf career will begin in our incredible indoor water park. Lifeguard positions with world class certifications are just the start of our many opportunities. Front Desk, Food and Beverage, Retail and Kids Entertainment pack members all share how much they enjoy welcoming guests from all over the country and quickly share stories about special kids and families that have made their work days especially fun. Our skilled Housekeeping and Maintenance Pack ensure that our Lodge stays in tip top shape and take great pride in the jobs they do. Training and the opportunity to grow is what makes Great Wolf Lodge in Mason such an exceptional choice for people who might be looking for a first job or want to join a pack committed to making your career fun and rewarding for years to come. Many of our pack members who started in entry level positions are now leaders within the Lodge or have made the leap to other Great Wolf Lodges throughout the US.