Ready to take your business
to the next level?

Your connection to a career-ready workforce!

Trusted By

Our Students,
Your Workforce

Your business needs a skilled workforce that understands the value of strong work ethics, effective time management, and problem-solving abilities. We understand your needs and are ready to bridge the gap to your next exceptional employee. Explore the many ways we can connect you. Whether you're looking to post job openings or become a site partner at one of our campuses, we offer numerous opportunities to link you with the workforce of tomorrow.

Become A Business Partner

Becoming a business partner is the first step towards building your talent pipeline. After doing this, you can post jobs on Career Connect for FREE.

Post a
Job Opportunity

After becoming a business partner, you can post jobs on Career Connect. These jobs are promoted to current students and alumni.

Programs and Incentives

Learn more about programs and incentives that are available to businesses that offer internships.

Business Advisory Council

Our thriving Business Advisory Council wants your help. As an industry expert, we look to you to guide curriculum and influence programming. Make a difference by joining today!

Become a
Site Partner

Site Partners invest in visionary strategies and innovative technology to empower the next generation of talent. Review the slide deck in the link to learn more about these growth initiatives. 

Connect with a
Career Strategist

Our Career Strategists are here to support you. Whether you need technical assistance on the website, want to find ways to get involved at Butler Tech, or have questions, please contact us!

Business Advisory Council Subcommittees

Government & Community Relations

Career Tech K12

Future Jobs

Work Based Learning

Barrier Mitigation

Build Your Pipeline


Career Tech Pathways

Butler Tech serves 18,000 students in 26 career tech pathways in over 50 local schools.

Business Advisory Members

Our partners include businesses, non-profit organizations, post-secondary education, and community members.

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Work Based Learning Hours

Students across our district complete an amazing amount of work based learning hours. These hours represent real-world learning opportunities. 

Business Partner FAQs

As part of our mission, we believe that all students must have access to real-world experiences to create a culture of deeper learning. Butler Tech aspires to provide all students with both external and internal work-based learning opportunities.

Job Site Placement and Internship

In an off-site placement or internship experience, the student is a paid employee or non-paid intern for a business or community partner. In this type of work-based learning experience, work occurs off-site and can take place during school hours or when school is not in session.

Apprenticeship and Pre-Apprenticeship

Pre-apprenticeships offer students an opportunity to participate in work-based learning experiences in designated occupations or industry sectors in preparation for formal registered apprenticeship training programs. Apprenticeships have similar but distinct registration requirements through ApprenticeOhio to teach a skilled occupation pursuant to a registered apprenticeship agreement.

Remote or Virtual Placement

In a virtual or remote placement experience, the student is a paid employee or non-paid intern for a business or community partner, but work-based learning most often takes place outside of the physical location of the employer. Work can be completed during school hours or when school is not in session.


In an entrepreneurship experience, the student operates his or her own business or service, including oversight of all operational and risk-management decisions. The student performs tasks and demonstrates skills necessary for the operation of the business with input and guidance from the instructor or educational supervisor, as well as an external business mentor.

School-based Enterprise

In a school-based enterprise, students work cooperatively to operate a business or service, with facilities, resources and equipment most often provided by the school.

Simulated Work Environment

In a simulated work experience, the student works cooperatively with a business mentor to perform work in a simulated environment. The student should have the opportunity to practice interaction with customers or community members as is commiserate with the typical experience of the industry.

All Butler Tech students ages 16 and 17 are allowed to take part in a job/co-op that is related to their program of study, even if it is coded as a “hazardous working environment.” 

Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4109; “Minor” means any person less than 18 years of age.

Ohio Revised Code 4109.06 (a2) State of Ohio Minor Labor Laws Exceptions:

  • Students participating in a vocational program approved by the Ohio Department of Education. 
  • There are restrictions on working hours for minors 16-17 years of age. No person 16 or 17 who is required to attend school shall be employed.
  • After 11:00 p.m. on a night preceding a day that school is in session.
  • Rest Period: No employer shall employ a minor more than 5 consecutive hours without a rest period of at least 30 minutes.

School based WBL experiences can start as early as 9th grade.

Apprentices must be at least 16 years old, except when a higher minimum age standard is fixed by law.

Possibilities include:

  • Fifth Day Experience on Fridays
  • Seniors can work in the afternoon
  • Evenings and weekends

Boosting Intellectual Capital:

Butler Tech students can inject your organization with contemporary ideas and modern technological skills. Their dynamic approach to problem-solving and innovative thinking during their co-op/internship can breathe new life into projects and elevate your intellectual capital.

Cost-Effective Recruiting:

Partnering with Butler Tech for co-ops/internships serves as a cost-effective recruiting tool, allowing your organization to assess potential future employees in action.

Highly Motivated Pre-Professionals:

Butler Tech offers motivated and eager high school students who are enthusiastic about gaining real-world experience. They bring an unparalleled energy and commitment to their work, making them an easily accessible source of high-quality, pre-professional talent.

Skill Development Opportunities:

Partnering with Butler Tech students provides an opportunity for your mid-level staff to take on mentorship and management roles.

Businesses hosting Butler Tech co-ops/interns will provide the following:

• Orientation session and facility tour

• Skills training that will develop the student’s career technical and employability skills

• Instruction and enforcement of workplace safety procedures

• Compliance with federal, state, and local non-discrimination laws

• Worker’s Compensation Insurance coverage

• Fair wages in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

• Maintain a keen awareness of daily tasks and progress

• Maintain weekly contact with the Butler Tech Program Instructor to provide feedback and address any issues

• Review and sign the student’s Weekly Log

• Complete Mid and End of Co-op/Internship Evaluation Reports

Click here to Become A Business Partner 

After being approved as a business partner, you are able to post job opportunities for free on our Career Connect website. Students can search the site for jobs that match their skill set and interests.


Need More Info?
We Are Here For You!



Monday – Friday   8:00am – 4:00pm

3607 Hamilton Middletown
Fairfield Township, Ohio 45011

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